The Steering Group meets at 7pm on the first Monday of every month in the Chapel Schoolroom, unless the first Monday is a Bank Holiday.
The agenda is normally published approximately a week in advance of the meeting. Draft minutes are normally published within a few days of the meeting, and are subject to approval at the following meeting. Any amendments to the draft minutes are recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which they are agreed.
If you would like to receive the agenda or minutes by email, please contact the Steering Group Chair at to be added to the mailing list.
All members of the community are welcome to attend meetings, participate fully in the discussions, or raise any issues related to the Neighbourhood Plan.
Date Agenda Minutes
04-07-16 Agenda Minutes
01-08-16 Agenda Minutes
05-09-16 Agenda Minutes
03-10-16 Agenda Minutes
07-11-16 Agenda Minutes Hambleton Letter
05-12-16 Agenda Minutes
02-01-17 No meeting due to holidays
06-02-17 Agenda Minutes
06-03-17 Agenda Minutes
03-04-17 Agenda Minutes Project Plan V3
02-05-17 Agenda Minutes
05-06-17 Agenda Minutes
03-07-17 Agenda Minutes Housing Needs Report
. Self Build Invite Self-Build Agenda
07-08-17 Agenda Minutes Project Plan V4
04-09-17 Agenda Minutes
02-10-17 Agenda Minutes
25-10-17 Agenda Minutes Addendum Site Selection Meeting
06-11-17 No Meeting
27-11-17 Agenda Minutes Revised date (replaces 04-12-17)
01-01-18 No meeting in January
05-02-18 Agenda Minutes KVA Report
05-03-18 Agenda Minutes
03-04-18 Agenda Minutes RPC Letter to HDC Consultation Results
08-05-18 Agenda Minutes Meeting held on Tues due to Bank Holiday.
04-06-18 Agenda Minutes
02-07-18 Agenda Minutes Enterpen HIA Green Space Presentation
06-08-18 Agenda Minutes Green Space Presentation
03-09-18 Agenda Minutes
01-10-18 Agenda Minutes HDC Green Space Advice
. March 2018 Consultation Results
. March 2018 Consultation: SG Response
06-11-18 Agenda Minutes Meeting on Tuesday to avoid Bonfire Night
. Green Space Presentation 06-11-18
. HDC Green Space Additional Advice
. Field in Leven Valley – Letter from Landowner’s Agent
. Field in Leven Valley – email from Landowner
. Letter to NSPG re Leven Valley Green Space
. Other Green Space Correspondence To-From Residents
03-12-18 ** CANCELLED **
No Meeting In January.
04-02-19 Agenda Minutes Housing Needs Report (Amended)
04-03-19 Agenda Minutes
01-04-19 Agenda Minutes Sub-group Report
. Embleton Farm Proposal
. Green Space Proposal
07-05-19 Agenda Minutes Tuesday Meeting due to Bank Holiday
. Consultation Results & SG Responses
. LGS Correspondence #1
. LGS Correspondence #2
. Embleton Farm East Site Promotion Report
03-06-19 Agenda Minutes
. Item 4a background
. Item 4b background
. Item 4c background
. Item 4c Example Development Brief
01-07-19 Agenda Minutes
. Item 4 – Green Space Documents
. Green Spaces Summary
. Recommended Green Space Site Map Hutton & Rudby
. Recommended Green Space Assessments Hutton & Rudby
. Recommended Green Space Assessments Middleton
. Non Recommended Green Space Site Map
. Non Recommended Green Space Assessments
. Item 7.a.
. Embleton Farm agent correspondence since 3 June 2019
. Embleton Farm agent response 10-06-2019
. Embleton Farm site location plan (supplied after meeting)
. AR correspondence since 3 June 2019
. AR site location plan
. Item 7.b.
. Agent correspondence since 3 June 2019
. Preferred Site location plan
05-08-19 Agenda Minutes Review of Belbrough Site Assessment
07-10-19 Agenda Minutes
. Item 4a) Draft Policies
. Item 4b) Draft Site Design Brief
. Item 4c) Draft Embleton Farm Site Assessment Review
04-11-19 Agenda Minutes
. Item 4b) Draft Embleton Farm Site Assessment Review
16-12-19 Agenda Minutes MEETING RESCHEDULED FROM 02-12-19
. Item 4. Draft Neighbourhood Plan
No Meeting in January
02-03-20 Agenda Draft Minutes
. Item 4. Draft Neighbourhood Plan (updated from 16/12/19)
. Item 4. Draft Plan: as sent to HDC for comment
HDC Feedback on Pre-consultation draft of Neighbourhood Plan
This Newsletter sets out the current status of the Neighbourhood Plan, the forward programme and how we anticipate addressing HDC’s comments. It also includes links to the documents below. Please note as explained in the Newsletter, these documents are being issued for information not for consultation.
1. HDC comments as received
2. Pre-consultation draft Neighbourhood Plan annotated with HDC comments
3. Proposed policy amendments